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Our project

An increasing number of users are exploiting online social services to voice thoughts of depression and suicide. Although talking about "suicide" is at the top of the American Association of Suicidology’s list of suicide warning signs, it remains very tough to assess urgency when a suicide ideation is expressed on social media. In this project, we focus on the detection and prevention of suicide in social networks. The DontDoIt project is a result of collaboration between the University of Montpellier and the Psychiatric Emergencies and Post-Acute Care of Montpellier (CHU de Montpellier).

Currently, we are analyzing and monitoring the data of patients who attempted suicide, in order to early detect and prevent future suicide attempts.
We have developed some prototypes to collect data from some social media websites such as: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram, and created a dashborad to allow psychiatrists to monitor and follow the patients.

Data scraping

Tool used to collect data from different social media.


Psychiatrists dashboard to monitor patients online.


Alarms predicted by the models. Results are assessed by the psychiatrists.


A Context-Aware Based Framework to Track Depression and Suicide Ideation on Social Media.

Bilel Moulahi, Jérôme Azé, Sandra Bringay. In The 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2017, 7-11 Octobre, Russie, 2017

Suivi et détection des idéations suicidaires dans les médias sociaux.

Bilel Moulahi, Jérôme Azé, Sandra Bringay. 28es Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC’2017), 2-7 Juillet, Caen, France, 2017

Analysis and Detection of Suicide-Related Posts in Social Data Streams.

Mia Vioulès, Bilel Moulahi, Jérôme Azé, Sandra Bringay. In IBM Journal of Research and Development. 2017.

Concept drift vs suicide: comment l'un peut prévenir l'autre?

Cédric Maigrot, Sandra Bringay, Jérôme Azé. EGC 2016: 219-230

Mining Twitter for Suicide Prevention.

Amayas Abboute, Yasser Boudjeriou, Gilles Entringer, Jérôme Azé, Sandra Bringay, Pascal Poncelet: NLDB 2014: 250-253

We are on the media !

Media coverage of our project.

Emission Talk: Radio Campus Montpellier

Pr. Jérôme Azé was invited by Radio Campus Montpellier ont the Stimuli emission to talk about Suicide and social newtorks. Enjoy the talk [fr] (it is about 17min from min 1 to min 17) ;)

Midi Libre Journal

Interview with Pr. Jérôme Azé about our project.

20minutes Journal

Interview with Pr. Sandra Bringay and Jérôme Azé about our project.

Our Amazing Team

Bilel Moulahi

Research Engineer, PhD.

Sandra Bringay


Jérôme Azé



Professor, CHU Montpellier

Jorge Lopez Castroman

Professor, CHU Montpellier

Matthieu Fraigneau

Doctor, CHU Montpellier

Maude Sénèque-Haize

Research Assistant, CHU Montpellier

Margot Morgiève

Mental health sociologist & clinical psychologist, Ph.D.

Philippe Courtet

Professor, CHU Montpellier

Our Project is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of data mining researchers and psychiatrists from the Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics (LIRMM) and CHU de Montpellier.

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