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Medical controversies, present on social media, bringing to the fore heated debates, differences of opinion, contradictory interpretations of scientific evidences, etc. Some medical controversies are ethical issues with direct implications for public health. In this website, we describe the INM- Explain tool for exploring and quantifying these controversies, and apply it to the case of non-drug interventions. Down below, we can find the top 100 most used words in our dataset. This project was created as part of a guided research project in the first year of a Master's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science applied to Humanities and Social Sciences by five students : Alya ZOUZOU, Audric GIRONDIN, Maéva MAIO, Jonathan DUCKES, and Houria SAYAH, with the help of Samy Benslimane's Thesis. The supervision was provided by Sandra Bringay and Maximilien Servajean. This project is the result of a collaboration between the Janssen Foundation, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics, and Microelectronics of Montpellier (LIRMM).